MARCH IS HOME to the first day of spring—a day that is also the Persian New Year. And as in most Eastern cultures, this transition between the gloom of winter and the dawn of a rejuvenating season is marked by food. Lots and lots of foo More
But its latest lending criteria make supporting market-rate rental a challenge. More
All eyes are on Congress in 2011 to see what might happen to Fannie Mae and... More
Time is quickly running out to use a powerful federal incentive aimed at greening residential and commercial properties. More
Whether regulatory and legislative issues, economic fluctuations, or natural disasters, some things are outside of an owner/operator's control. Or are they? More
Multifamily apartment owners and developers weigh placemaking and economies of scale against the increasingly complex operations and vocal opposition to the creation of megacommunities. More
Initiative will promote regional alignment of housing, infrastructure, and transit planning. More
WITH CHALLENGED VACANCIES and rental incomes, many apartment owners just want... More
Government agencies will help Louisville, Ky.; Montgomery County, Md.; Las Cruces, N.M.; and California create more sustainable land-use and transportation patterns. More
Faced with plummeting prices and an exodus of investors, the market for low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) is at a historic nadir. More