Transforming a church into a multifamily development generally makes for an aesthetically pleasing property. So when The Church at Clarendon put out an RFP to rebuild its quarters, The Bozzuto Group was happy to participate. More
With immigrants playing a dual role in driving apartment demand and providing a key labor source, the industry has a growing stake in the debate over immigration reform. More
Under pressure from industry, some states are turning against using LEED as a... More
In Charlotte, minorities have made up the majority of its 752,000 population since 2011, and women account for more than half. And there, Balfour Beatty Construction is part of a construction team that this month was selected to build a 146,000-square-foot, 400-bed freshman residential hall, which that team will start in December on the South Village area of the University of North Carolina-Charlotte’s campus. More
A new property-tax incentive for green building passed in New York shows how states with strong central governments can adopt no-risk incentives for sustainable development during a slow recovery. More
The National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (NAREIT) reported data last week that suggests that price returns on apartment REITs between March 2009 and February 2012 increased a whopping 225 percent. More
The nation's inventory of apartments is heading toward a shortage as early as next... More
Breathing fresh life into the husk of an old building requires a grand, revitalizing vision—a belief that what’s old can be reinvented into something new again. More
After a decade long run as a preimminent miltary housing builder, the Hunt Cos. reinvest hundreds of millions in profits to become a full service multifamily real esate firm. More
Adelaide Grady can point to one of the best green investments multifamily money... More