Rental applicant screening professionals stress a more hands-on and holistic... More
“Holy Grail” of apartment prospect screening moves closer to fruition as screening firms and data providers broaden data sets on renter payment history. More
Apartment Credit Screeners Considering Skip Alerts: Services that offer apartment owners a notification when residents apply elsewhere is being investigated by major applicant screening providers. More
IN A FEW SHORT MONTHS, EQUITY RESIDENTIAL has become the country's No. 1 buyer of... More
One-size-fits-all approach to credit availability will stifle the housing recovery. More
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act will effect both banks and conduit lenders. But as regulators struggle to reconcile the Act's principles with real-world rules, those effects won't be known for some time. More
Global information services company Experion recently acquired RentBureau, one of the nation's largest nuetral rental credit bureaus. The acquistion has many positive long-term prospects, including helping renters who are unscorable through traditional credit bureaus get their foot in the door to lease a new apartment. More
A QUIRKY DYNAMIC IS AT play at the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs)—... More