What do your residents do in their spare time? How often do they entertain, cook and work out? The answers to those questions can go a long way in determining which amenities to offer, which upgrades to focus on, and how best to use common-area space.

To understand a bit more about renter lifestyles, J Turner Research and Multifamily Executive recently surveyed over 27,000 renters across more than 700 properties as part of our Concept Community project.

The following are a few of the findings.

Wining and Dining
The kitchen is often a home's heart, and apartment living is no different: 42 percent of respondents cook daily and another 28 percent cook four to six times per week.

By generation, the Silent Generation (born 1925 to 1945) cook most with 51 percent cooking daily, however they also made up the highest percentage of those who cook rarely with 14 percent. While only 41 percent of Millennials (also known as Gen Y, born 1980 or later) responded they cook daily, another 30 percent stated they cook four to six times per week.

The survey also asked respondents how many times per month they enjoy wine: a total 43 percent chose rarely or never. However 40 percent chose three or more times per month.

While enjoying a bit of vino is often thought of as the hallmark of an older demographic, Millennials actually enjoy the most wine, with 43 percent choosing three or more times per month, and Gen X (born 1965 to 1979) not far behind at 38 percent. Yet, 48 percent of Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) and 55 percent of Silent Generation respondents said they rarely or never enjoy wine.

Guests and Going Out
A total of 38 percent of respondents entertain guests in their home at least three times per month.

Broken down by generation, Millennials entertain guests most often, with 45 percent doing so at least three times per month, and only 27 percent stating rarely or never. Thirty percent of Gen X respondents, and 27 percent of Boomer respondents, entertain guests at the least three times per month. The Silent Generation is least likely to often entertain with 45 percent choosing rarely or never. Overall, 58 percent of respondents stated they spend weekend evenings outside their apartment and 84 percent spend weeknights inside their apartment.

Health and Fitness
Of those who participate in various athletic activities three or more times per week, 44 percent stated they work out and a whopping 30 percent of residents regularly work out by running.

Looking at residents overall, Millennials work out most often, with 47 percent stating they do so three or more times per week. Forty-three percent of Gen X respondents and 35 percent of Baby Boomers stated they work out three or more times per week. Of Silent Generation respondents, 62 percent stated they work out rarely or never.

Read more about Resident Lifestyle Preferences: An Insight from the 2014 MFE Concept Community Survey.