GREENAt Arizona State University, candidates for the masters of real estate development program are now required to take the LEED accreditation exam prior to graduating. "They recognize that the built environment of the future needs to be sustainable in all measures," explains R. "Ryc" Nicholas Loope, director of the program. Arizona State is not alone in its environmental push: Bainbridge Graduate Institute near Seattle offers sustainable MBA and executive certificate courses. - Margot Carmichael Lester
Are Women Better Leaders?
- Margot Carmichael Lester
Next Up
Three tips to better manage millennials.

EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY. "This generation relies on technology to communicate and network. To an older generation, it may seem strange, but someone who is 21 might wonder why you don't have it."; ?Daniel Stravinski, senior vice president of human resources, Berkshire Property Advisors, Boston
Executive Feedback
What's the biggest leadership challenge facing your company in 2009?

?Greg Belew, principal, Fifth Square Partners, New York

?Nanette Overly, vice president of sales and marketing, Epcon Communities, Dublin, Ohio

?Jason Kliewer, president, Trumark Cos., Danville, Calif.
Best Sellers
An executive coach and a multifamily exec name their top leadership books.
Phil Holcomb, co-founder of Seattle-based executive coaching firm Extraordinary Learning, suggests:
Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by David R. Hawk-ins (Hay House, 2002)
Not for the cynic, this book illuminates the time-less struggle between power and force. An eye-opener, way beyond anything you learned in business school.
Primal Leadership?earning to Lead With motional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie McKee (Harvard Business School ess, 2004)
Strategy, vision, and authority are not enough for leaders in the 21st century. Great leaders know themselves and inspire others on an emotional level.
Eric Wilson, director of construc-tion at U.S. Capital Holdings, based in Plantation, Fla., recommends:
Obvious Adams by Robert Updegraff (Kessinger Publish-ing, 2004)
Most people over-think business solutions. Some-times, the easiest way to solve a problem is right in front of you.
Jack Welch and the GE Way: Management Insights and Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO by Robert Slater (McGraw-Hill, 1998)
A recounting of how corporate America works. Business as usual has got to change, and executives need to understand they are the ones to do it.