The aftermath of this tragedy has helped shine a spotlight on an issue that many in the housing community grapple with everyday—the continuing shift of poverty from the nation’s inner cities to the suburbs. More
Johnson-Crapo housing finance reform proposal funds National Housing Trust Fund, eliminates GSEs. More
What's in the omnibus bill for housing? A mix of good and bad, according to housing leaders. More
A minimum-wage worker in Hawaii must hold down 4.4 jobs to afford a modest apartment, according to the latest report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition. More
There were just 3 million units that were affordable and available to 10.1 million extremely low-income renter households in 2011. More
The number of renters spending 50% or more of their income on housing and utilities is at an all time high, according to a recent study. More
What will the next generation of housing finance entities look like, and how will they serve the affordable housing arena? A few areas of common ground are beginning to emerge. More