John Cannon

GSEs Tighten Up Borrower Scrutiny, Despite Looser Underwriting

Borrower scrutiny is at an all-time high at the government-sponsored enterprises, even as credit conditions begin to loosen up. More

GSEs Tighten Up Borrower Scrutiny, Despite Looser Underwriting

Borrower scrutiny is at an all-time high at the government-sponsored enterprises, even as credit conditions begin to loosen up. More

Berkadia Rises From Capmark's Ashes

A new name entered the multifamily arena last week, when Berkadia Commercial Mortgage was born out of the ashes of Capmark. More

Equity flood, Fed fight for influence

With permanent mortgage rates already up some 75 basis points year-to-date as of May, property-finance professionals were anticipating a pause in the Federal Reserve’s lengthy rate-raising efforts. More

Developers target profitability

Multifamily owners and developers stand to benefit from long-term positive trends in demographics and the economy, but they will still need to be armed with the best strategic and analytical tools to take full advantage of the situation. More

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