Meet 10 multifamily leaders who are championing the industry, colleagues, and... More
The federal agency charged with overseeing Fannie and Freddie has proposed a framework for housing finance reform and asks the GSEs' multifamily divisions to study how effective their businesses would be without a government guarantee. More
The federal agency charged with overseeing Fannie and Freddie has proposed a framework for housing finance reform and asks the GSEs' multifamily divisions to study how effective their businesses would be without a government guarantee. More
The Federal Housing Finance Agency recently debuted its Real Estate Owned Initiative, hoping to turn the nation's glut of foreclosed single-family houses into rentals. More
The Federal Housing Finance Agency recently debuted its Real Estate Owned Initiative, hoping to turn the nation's glut of foreclosed single-family houses into rentals. More
As Congress continues to mull housing finance reform, the multifamily industry has grown more visible in the debate. More