Many market-rate communities try to use green certifications to appeal to young professionals or Gen-Y renters who want to lead a very eco-friendly lifestyle. But seniors don’t seem to have that same level of interest. More
Many owners and managers aren't convinced that renters will pay more for green features, though surveys say they will. More
Builders evaluate the cost effectiveness of building to LEED standards, as the U.S. Green Building Council preps a new version its certification program for a November roll-out. More
Spot ventilation is a given in any apartment with a kitchen or bathroom. But just as important for resident health is the ventilation of the entire unit as a whole. More
Successfully completing the green-certification process requires starting at a project’s planning stages and soliciting the input of all team members. More
Deciding which program to use depends on a host of important factors, including the type of building being certified, its location, and even your investors' preferences. More