The department has recommended best practices to prevent discriminatory uses of... More
Starts fell nearly 15% on a month-over-month basis in January, while permit... More
Multifamily industry organizations express support for transparency, but share... More
Multifamily starts declined dramatically in August as the sector was impacted by... More
September starts are roughly 11% higher than last year, and completions are up 26%. More
Today’s elderly need affordable housing at an ever-growing rate. More
The housing agency devotes 80 percent of its proposed budget to public housing and homeless assistance, cutting funding for block grants. More
Grant agreements from the first round of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program have all been allocated, and the funding process for the highly anticipated second round of the program is now underway. Applicants have until July 17 to compete for a portion of the nearly $2 billion allocated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to help stabilize neighborhoods across the country hard-hit by foreclosures. More