McCormack Baron Salazar

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Affordable Senior Housing Incorporates African-Inspired Design Elements

The Dr. George W. Davis Senior Building includes 121 apartments, a community... More

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AHF Reveals Top 10 Developers of 2012

Find out what firms topped The AHF 50 developers list based on the number of units started last year. More

Mixed Income, Mixed Results: The One-for-One Debate

The HOPE VI program's focus on mixing incomes and reducing density resulted in the loss of more than 100,000 units of affordable housing, a lesson HUD has taken to heart. More

Mixed Income, Mixed Results: The One-for-One Debate

The HOPE VI program's focus on mixing incomes and reducing density resulted in the loss of more than 100,000 units of affordable housing, a lesson HUD has taken to heart. More

Chicago Recalibrates its Plan for Transformation

The Chicago Housing Authority's ambitous Plan for Transformation is now in its 13th year, and the agency hopes to correct some mistakes in the second coming of the Plan. More

Chicago Recalibrates its Plan for Transformation

The Chicago Housing Authority's ambitous Plan for Transformation is now in its 13th year, and the agency hopes to correct some mistakes in the second coming of the Plan. More

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Multifamily Developers Embrace Forensic and Thermal Imaging Technologies

Multifamily Developers Embrace Forensic and Thermal Imaging Technologies More

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