Foreign capital, healthy risk premium continue to drive prices up and cap rates... More
Today's robust pipeline of new units has given pause to construction lenders. More
The GSEs still rule the apartment lending landscape, but plenty of other options abound. More
Life insurance companies are winning deals over government-sponsored enterprises with creative underwriting practices. More
As rumors surround a possible ARA sales, a number of the firm's associates have left over the last couple of months. More
Lenders expect conduit loan volume to climb as the year continues. However, the market's comeback in the multifamily world isn't expected to reach boom-era levels, at least not in 2013. More
The construction debt market is heating up, though much of the activity is concentrated on a continued "flight to safety" by financiers. More
Of the Top 10 markets with the most cap-rate compression last year, five were in the Midwest. A peek inside the numbers shows which secondary markets are primed for big years in 2012. More
Of the Top 10 markets with the most cap-rate compression last year, five were in the Midwest. A peek inside the numbers shows which secondary markets are primed for big years in 2012. More
One of the key metrics that multifamily investors consider before pulling the trigger on a deal may not be what it appears. More