A Delaware–based student housing firm is developing a residential campus on a 30-acre property adjacent to Delaware State University (DSU) in Dover.
Given the urgent need for student housing at DSU, the developer will build a 500-bed residential development and may add up to 1,500 additional beds in the future. The project will make use of expedited approval, design, and construction efforts in order to meet the needs of the university. The initial phase of the project will also include a food court and convenience retail space.
The developer had originally approached DSU with a more-comprehensive residential campus plan for its public–private partnership. The plan had included a new convocation and athletic center, an indoor track, and additional academic, office, and convention space. DSU hasn't yet agreed to this expanded proposal, but the developer hopes to use the remaining land on its adjacent property to complete its original master plan.
Martin Kimmel, principal of Kimmel Bogrette Architecture + Site, the architect of record for the project's planning, design, and construction administration, describes the plan as "a serious attempt to bring the highest value to the Delaware State University community, ensuring a sustainable amount of student housing in support of current needs and future growth. We also envision these additional athletic, convention, and exhibition spaces as monumental assets vital to the future of the city of Dover, Kent County, and the state of Delaware."
Skanska USA will serve as general contractor for the project, and Asset Campus Housing will handle management, maintenance, and operations.
Note: This article originally attributed the Delaware State University development to University Housing Solutions of Powell, Ohio. UHS of Powell, Ohio is not involved with this residential campus. We deeply regret the error and we have corrected the article above.