In a town that revolves around music, Alliance Residential Co. provides residents with the opportunity to sing their own tune at its Broadstone Germantown property in Nashville.
The building’s 5,200-square-foot Rooftop Sky Lounge taps into the city’s passion for music with an indoor and outdoor music venue where residents can go anytime to write music in the songwriter’s room, perform for friends on the space’s stage, or plug in a guitar for a jam session alone or with others. The sound system’s five zones can all be controlled by a touchscreen.
Three garage-door bays can be opened or closed for an open-air roof deck, where residents can take in panoramic views of the downtown skyline. The space also features indoor–outdoor seating with bar-height tables and chairs, picnic table seating, lounge seating, a Ping-Pong table, and an 8-foot, red-brick fire pit.
For those looking for a quiet night in, the venue isn’t disruptive—it’s located on top of the five-story apartment’s parking deck, separating the music from residents in their apartment homes.
The space is available for rent to residents for private events, as well as outside vendors, and is often used as a spot to host up-and-coming musicians for performances.