In celebration of Fogelman’s 60th anniversary, the multifamily investment and property management firm launched its 60 Acts of Kindness (AOKs) initiative last year. The program empowered associates across over 100 communities to select their own AOKs and community service opportunities.
Associates creatively paid it forward in their respective communities through food, blood, and school supply drives; donations to fire and police departments; volunteering at shelters, elementary schools, and nonprofits; fundraising competitions; and other activities. At the end of 2023, Fogelman surpassed its goal of 60 AOKs with over 100.

“The success of 60 Acts of Kindness is a testament to Fogelman’s longstanding commitment to giving back, which has been part of our cultural DNA for more than 60 years,” says Melissa Brady, vice president of strategic marketing at Fogelman Properties. “Our entire team embraced the initiative with remarkable passion and purpose, resulting in more than 1,000 hours of service nationwide.”
The team partnered with Junior Achievement of Memphis and the Mid-South in early 2023 to sponsor a BizTown storefront, a simulated city with various storefronts such as restaurants, banks, and retail. Biztown is sponsored by local companies whose staff volunteer to teach students the ins and outs of their businesses. Fogelman volunteered to teach students about different aspects of the business, including real estate investing and property management.
Fogelman associates held a companywide AOK event at its annual leadership conference to support the Forrest Spence Fund, an organization that assists with the nonmedical needs of critically and chronically ill children. As a group, they made 100 blankets and 150 care packages for families in hospitals across Memphis and surrounding communities.

In Louisville, Kentucky, team members from Waterford Place Apartments volunteered at Field Day for Home of the Innocents, an organization that provides a variety of health and wellness services to support children in the surrounding area. Proving its longstanding commitment to philanthropy, Fogelman has supported Richland Elementary for 41 years. As the longest-serving corporate adopter in Memphis’ Adopt-a-School program, Fogelman supports the staff and students through activities like field days, serving as testing proctors, and sponsoring regular “Most Improved” pizza parties.
Nationwide, team members supported various organizations such as Youth Villages–Bill’s Place, Ronald McDonald House Charities, St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, Le Bonheur Hospital, Memphis Humane Society, and Hope House.