Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) recently released the Trends in HERS Rated Homes—A Statistical Abstract 2022. Developed by RESNET, a HERS Index Score is available only via certified RESNET energy raters and is based on several energy efficiency variables, including exterior walls, attic, windows and doors, heating and cooling systems, ductwork, water heating systems, lighting, and appliances.
The HERS Index Score tells homeowners and prospective buyers how their homes compare with other similar homes in terms of energy usage. The lower the score, the more energy efficient the home is.
In 2021, HERS raters rated more than 313,000 homes, which represents a 4% increase over the number of ratings in 2020 and marks the ninth straight year-over-year increase in HERS ratings. Of the 313,000 homes, 76% were one- and two-family dwellings and 24% were multifamily units.
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