Rachel Azoff

Rachel Azoff's Posts

  • It's no secret that the Internet will be THE way to reach renters in the coming year. Just listen to this: In 2007, nearly 51 percent of AvalonBay Communities' leases came from online sources, up from 24 percent in 2003. But what you may not know is how to milk your site for all its worth.

  • Have you been reluctant to jump on the green bandwagon? Well, in 2008, you just might have to get on board—whether you want to or not. An increasing number of municipalities and public agencies not only offer incentives you can't afford to resist, but many will also begin enforcing green building standards.

  • If your properties still feature business centers and movie theaters, then read on. Why? Those amenities are so 2007. We'll help you head into the new year knowing exactly what your residents want—and just as importantly, what they don't want.

  • As developer Bill Struever shows off his latest endeavor in Baltimore, he can't help but linger by the pool. The 2,400-square-foot oasis majestically rises from the ruins of an 1800s-era manufacturing building that burnt to the ground in the late 1990s. Exposed brick ruins surround the pool and serve as a link to the past while cast-iron columns—left over from the construction of the U.S. Capitol Building, no less—are capped off by gas torches that illuminate the pool at night.

  • Perfect Blend: The advantages of mixed-use projects.

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