Dana Enfinger

Dana Enfinger's Posts

  • The nation’s Midwestern cities, including St. Louis, are among the markets showing the most momentum in the multifamily sector. 

  • Off-campus student housing is a growing niche market. Students want to be around other students, yet still feel they have a respite from campus. 

  • In September, an apartment at Vista View Apartments in Charleston, W.Va., caught fire after a methamphetamine lab in one of the units exploded.

  • Austin’s booming economy is supporting a positive outlook for the multifamily market, even though there has been an uptick in vacancies through the first three quarters of 2007.

  • Entering the apartment market in San Jose, Calif., is a lot like being a kid waiting in line in high summer to ride the Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland for the first time.

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