Dana Enfinger

Dana Enfinger's Posts

  • APARTMENT FINANCE TODAY talked to Jennifer Eschbaugh, multifamily account executive for Worldwide Signature, based in Cleveland. Eschbaugh trains multifamily teams around the country. She discussed inexpensive, creative ways to market apartment properties. Her main point: Half the battle is getting people to know who you are.

  • APARTMENT FINANCE TODAY talked to Peter Dewes, vice president in the Miami office of Northmarq Capital, Inc., a real estate investment bank based in Minneapolis. He discussed how tightening lending standards combined with the shadow market caused by the condo glut is affecting the multifamily market in the Miami area.

  • A variety of tools exist for apartment owners to market their properties.

  • Anthony Downs, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C., will give a big-picture outlook of where the economy is heading during the opening plenary session at the APARTMENT FINANCE TODAY Conference April 7-9 in Phoenix.

  • Salem, Mass. —Construction is slated to begin this May on the Old Salem Jail property.

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